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Concept Art Games & Film

Portfolio Development Character Creature

Portfolio Development Character Creature

Build a focused skill set within this project themed class to show your abilities to problem-solve, design, and meet artistic requirements experienced in high-paced art departments. Learn to design high level character and creature designs, along with additional props designed to fulfill the concept. Key focuses during the course will be on artistic quality, presentation and professionalism.
Build a concept design portfolio for advanced students. Showcase all of your skills while showing your ability and creative process.
This course is 10 weeks in duration and meets once per week for 3 hours per meeting.
Each week, the online classes are live at the specified time (PST timezone) in a private GOTO-MEETING classroom. Classes are recorded and students can rewatch via stream for the duration of the term. Class links, teachers notes, class recordings along with homework submission will be hosted on a private class DISCORD. The DISCORD link will be sent approximately 5-7 days prior to your class start date to the registered email address.

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Live (Recorded)
Online Course
Suggested Materials

Pens, pencils, sketchbook, loose paper, markers, digital camera, laptop and photoshop (any version)


Computer With High Speed Internet. Mic (Highly Recommended) And Camera (Optional).

What you'll learn

Project Oriented DesignReal-world art department experienceEnvironment & Related Elements / ExplorationProject ThemingDesign RefinementStudio Expectations & Professionalism
Meet Your Instructor

Ehsan Bigloo

Sr. Concept Artist, Character FX Designer & Director, VFX Art Director

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Live (Recorded)


10 - Weeks Course


Online Course



Ehsan is a concept artist and visual IP developer in the motion picture industry, residing in Los Angeles, California. He comes from a traditional figurative art background with experience in practical effects. With over 10 years in Hollywood, he specializes in creature, character, costume, and armor design, as well as creature directing—from script to screen. For the past 5 years, he has served as a Senior Lead Concept Designer at Aaron Sims Company (ASC) in Burbank, California. Prior to that, he freelanced in creature and character design, focusing on digital prosthetic effects and conceptual digital organic modeling.
He has worked on at least 25 movies and 12 TV shows, including Men in Black: International, IT Chapter Two, Love and Monsters, Dark Phoenix, The Prey, Archive 81, Resident Alien, and Morbius.
Ehsan was one of the lead creature designers on The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power and also on Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024). In addition to film and TV, he has created concept designs for AAA game companies, including EA BioWare, Wizards of the Coast, Archetype Entertainment, and Riot Games, to name a few. More recently, Ehsan worked at ASC as Lead Concept Artist on projects including the “DIVE,” “THE EYE: Calanthek,” and "Nexus" short films.
He is currently working as a freelance concept artist and visual world development artist. He has worked with practical FX shops and is familiar with digital prosthetic designs and pre-production concepts for SPFX. Ehsan also has an extensive traditional art background in figurative drawing, clay sculpting, and oil painting and specializes in surreal figurative art and human anatomy. He has always loved reading history, literature, movies, and filmmaking, and, growing up in the 80s, it was the behind-the-scenes insights into SFX movies like Alien, E.T., Star Wars, The Thing, and The Terminator that inspired him to become a high-end Hollywood creature designer and monster maker. Ehsan is a member of Visual Effects Society (VES) and Local 800 (ADG). Learn more about him and see more of his work at Ehsan at
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